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Turkey Sensory Bag, 2 in 1 Learning Activity

Thanksgiving is this week. That feels unbelievable to me. I thought November just started. Now its the end of the month, getting ready to make the house smell like home-cooked food. This is my son's first Thanksgiving. It's crazy to think that this time last year I was pregnant with my little turkey.

I think sensory play is so important for every child. Sensory play no matter if it is in a bin, bottle, or bag has advantages to your child's development. Check out my Why Sensory Play For Your Little One Is So Important blog posts for everything you need to know for your sensory questions.

I originally made this Turkey Sensory Bag for my son (5 months old) to be able to squeeze. I could not get the older children at my daycare (9 months, age 3 & 4) to keep their hands off of it so, we decided to make some more.

Later from watching them play, I decided to turn it into a learning activity. Not only did they have to build a turkey but, they would have to match all the colors. You can print your own copy at the bottom.


Materials Needed:

Plastic Ziploc bag



Googly eyes

Clear hair gel

Foam sheets ( I used brown, red, orange, green, purple, and blue )


How To Make:

1. Draw your turkey body onto the foam sheet

2. After drawing your turkey, you will have to cut it out. Make sure you lined it up to your baggie to see if it will fit. Remember the feathers have to fit also.

3. Cut out five feathers. Make sure they will fit in the bag with your turkey body. If you are printing the color matching sheet then be sure to use the same colors that I've used.

4. Once you make sure everything fits and everything is cut out then it's time to work on the face. You will need a tiny orange triangle piece to make the nose, two googly eyes, and a tiny red oval type piece to make the wattle. You can add a mouth if you'd like but, we did not.

5. Insert your turkey and fill the bag with clear hair gel.

6. Tape your bag close, so it doesn't accidentally open while you are playing.

7. There you go. Squish your turkey, mix it up, and try to put him back together again.


Now let's get to the learning activity.

Below we have the printable for this activity. You can save the image and print it to the size according to your baggie. After you print your learning activity, you can then place it under your bag. Match the colors according to the worksheet. It contains the colors red, orange, green, purple, blue, and brown.



Learning by playing is the best way to get your child to enjoy learning. I hope you enjoy this craft!

From my family to yours we wish you a safe and Happy Thanksgiving!


*** All photos are property of Britt's Creative Crafts. ***



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