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How To Manage A Long And Stressful Commute To Work

Millions of people commute long distances to work every day. This can be stressful and expensive for many as they must pay a lot for transportation. Additionally, there's evidence that shows that longer commutes can reduce job satisfaction and increase mental health risks. So whether you are moving to a new location or applying for a new job, learning the best ways to cope with traveling distances can be useful. Below are a few smart ways to make your commute to work more manageable.


Build a comforting environment

If you drive, a long commute can be inconvenient, and more often, there is little you can do about factors like traffic. But what if you can make the ride more comfortable? Consider the entertainment type you can use to distract yourself during a long commute or in heavy traffic. For example, you can turn on the radio or play your favorite music. You can also find an engaging audiobook or podcast to learn something new. This can be a form of me-time before getting to work and starting your day. Even if you don't drive, you can also find entertaining and relaxing things to do during your commute to work.


Set off early

You can save yourself great stress when you leave the house for the road earlier than usual. This offers you plenty of time, and you won’t have to worry about being late for work. Arriving on time or earlier is also an excellent way to impress your boss. Therefore, consider setting off at least 15 or 20 minutes earlier than usual. You may even have time for errands like stopping for gas. You're likely to get to work feeling more relaxed compared to days when you rush to work. This can positively impact the rest of the day.


Consider relocating closer to your workplace

Long work commutes can cause unnecessary stress, health issues, and financial difficulties. Unfortunately, as cities become more congested, these time-consuming trips will likely get longer due to traffic and other factors. If you live in an expensive area or spend more time commuting than you would like, relocating closer to your workplace may be a good idea. This will reduce the time you spend getting to your job and the associated costs. You can hire moving services such as North American Van Lines for affordable and hassle-free relocation to your new destination.


Take the least stressful route

Driving may reduce your time on the road compared to using the train or bus. However, using public transportation allows you to safely catch up with the latest news or watch some videos on the road. Embracing transit and allowing someone else to drive can make your journey less stressful. You can even take a nap on your way to work, depending on the distance and the type of transport. It is relatively less expensive than owning and operating a car and also good for relieving traffic congestion in cities and towns, so keep this in mind.


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