Braden started crawling!
He is all over the place now. He went from rocking back and forth to vroom, everywhere. Braden is becoming so much more aware of his surroundings. If something is bright or making noise, of course, he's going to head toward that.
When a baby is born you then become their teacher. You teach them what food is. Introduce milk, baby food, snacks, more and more as they grow. We give them the best resources we can by letting them play with toys that teach them colors, songs, the ABC's, and numbers. Why don't we give them a toy that helps them with their senses? We all know the five senses, touch, taste, smell, hear, and sight.
Introducing MAM Friends. Each one trains your baby's senses preparing them for life ahead.

Click on the photo of the product to be sent to the link to buy your own!
Max The Frog was welcomed into our family and straight into Braden's mouth. Each one of the MAM Friends are handcrafted with 100% natural rubber with a comforting natural scent and taste. The bright colors and different textures help develop babies senses. Did you know that helping your baby stimulate their senses will actually help them achieve milestones quicker and develop their motor skills? Sensory play enhances your child's memory, attention span, curiosity, and will improve nervous system development. This small frog will do wonders for your little one in ways you may not have known before.

I wasn't sure what we'd think. Looking at the pictures on MAM I thought it was big and bulky. It wasn't though! It was the perfect size for Braden and lightweight too. Max was hollow and able to squeezable. Braden loves chewing his head. He can easily hold this soft and flexible frog. Doesn't Max's happy face just invite you to play?

*** Thank you MAM for sending us Max to review. We loved him. All of our reviews are based on our non-biased opinion. ***