What You Will Need:
Red, orange, yellow, and brown paint - I used the Crayola kid's paint. It was easy to wash off and can be washed out of clothes when things get a little messy.
Paint brushes to easily spread the paint on your hands.

This part gets a little messy but, make sure you use a paint brush to cover the entire hand.

Lay hand flat and press your hand onto the paper to make a masterpiece.

Wonderful! You have one hand print done. Repeat with red, orange, and brown. Make sure you get one foot done too for the turkey's body. The foot will be brown with orange little piggies.

Hang all of your work to dry.

Cut out all your hands and footprint.

You will want to laminate to keep your turkey friend safe, but you do not need to.

I used glue dots for my adhesive but, you can use an alternative like a glue stick to piece everything together.

Use your sharpies to create a face with one googly eye.

You can let your little one enjoy their turkey friend or hang up for all to see.

From my family to yours, we wish you a happy and safe Thanksgiving!
*** All photo's are property of Britt's Creative Crafts. ***